Ain't nothin' more dangerous than a G flyin' solo


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TheAtomicSlug's News

Posted by TheAtomicSlug - January 26th, 2025

Meanwhile, before the events of the main story:

The Hero Academy wasn’t just a school—it was a proving ground, a place where students learned to become legends. For most of the kids there, it was a chance to shine, to climb the ranks, and bask in the glory of their budding superpowers. The school might as well have been titled "School of Exceptional Youngsters and Also June Is Here." For June was an interloper in a world of prodigies, constantly trying to keep his head down and stay unnoticed.

That changed the day he accidentally met Milo.

The cafeteria was loud and chaotic, with students jostling for seats and trading stories about their latest training exploits. June, clutching his tray of bland cafeteria food, searched for a quiet corner away from the chaos. He spotted an empty table near the back and made a beeline for it, relieved to have found some peace.

He didn’t notice anything unusual until he sat down. There was a faint, wheezy gasp, followed by the shimmering outline of a boy materializing across from him. June jumped, his reptilian reflexes compelling him to protect his guts from danger.


"Whoa! Sorry! I didn’t see—"

The boy held up a hand, panting as he caught his breath. "It’s fine. Happens all the time."

June blinked, trying to process what just happened. "Were you… invisible?"

"Yeah," the boy said, running a hand through his unruly hair. "It’s kind of my thing. But I can’t hold it for long without, you know, breathing."

June hesitated. "Uh, do you want me to move? I didn’t mean to…"

"No, it’s cool," the boy interrupted. "Actually, could you stay? Just in case I pass out or something."

June stared at him for a moment, unsure if he was joking. But the boy’s earnest expression made him nod. "Yeah, sure."

The boy smiled, a little shyly. "Thanks. I’m Milo, by the way."

"June," he replied. "Nice to meet you."

He skates in his Crocs, ladies...



Posted by TheAtomicSlug - November 7th, 2024

I used to be better at blogging, I promise...

Status update: I was not being punished for being a peon. As rude as it was my life was forcibly and briefly steered by forces beyond this plane of existence towards another direction. A good path. I know it to be true. I have never been so certain.

I am the housekeeper of a beautiful enchanted palace. Man alive, you oughta see it. It's got a swimming pool inside a swimming pool! My job is to upkeep the in between the now and the hereafter. I thought I was hard enough for it but it is difficult. They love me there, but for my sake I can not stay long.

In the evening I practice arcane wizardry in the cyberspace. My third eye has guided me there. To what end, I can not say.

And still the destination is not as vivid to me but then again it never was. Afterall I wanted to make movies. I was good at it but art doesn't pay the bills. If you're really good at it, it'll get you money for weed and pizza and that's about it. Yet my hands can't help themselves. Echoes of memories or perhaps inner most desires find there way towards my finger tips.

So what I mean to say is, I make things but I don't know if they are worth showing. Worth even less than the garbage that gets me noticed. As of late I've just been thinking about June. His story bubbles the bile in my gut and it spews out. Makes a mess that Dawn won't help with. iu_1297606_7111680.webp

So before the events of the Grey Ship. Before Acey, Spacehead, and June enter the belly of the Royal Tower. Before June even met the green alien entity known as Spacehead. June was born as the son of a powerful hero. -

Maybe that's too far back. June dropped out of Boku No Hero Academia and went to public school like the rest of us. There he met a satyr not from this land (Hawaii) who had relocated to where June lived. She saw him sitting at the patio table by himself; they were the only two seniors there. She asked to take photos and intentionally took them while he was blinking or eating chicken tendies. And they just hung around and did funny things for the rest of the year.


Constants: they are always friends | She is always a satyr

Variables: He went to space and didn't come back until nearly a decade later

Is that all I have to say? I guess that's all I have right now.




Posted by TheAtomicSlug - March 16th, 2024

As I have had more time to myself than I've had in a very long while, I have been able to play with some tools and techniques I have acquired.


Three bitches. The one on the left is kinda blurry for no reason. I thought it looked kinda good at first until now. Pay no mind to the one in the middle. She is merely projecting. Takes a fat bitch to know one I say. It's the stunning thin waisted cutie on the inside that counts. Anyways, I have always wanted to practice digital blending but no matter how hard I try it just doesn't turn up in a way that matters. That's on me.

I am going to stop myself from ranting and raving by ending the post here.



Posted by TheAtomicSlug - March 14th, 2024

as of writing this I am currently on the hospital bed about to have my ambilocal hernia repaired. I am in good spirits and am expecting to have a big steak dinner before the day is out.

just thought I’d write this down I don’t know why.

take it EZ



It is 3:30 am march 15 and I never got my steak dinner but spam musubi was just as well. I am going to spend a bunch of time recovering. Not terribly sure what I will do with that time.



Posted by TheAtomicSlug - February 20th, 2024

Throughout the week I made notes in my notes app about blog topics I'd like to discuss but I'm reading them now and quite frankly they seem a little schizo. There's one entry that says "Taylor Swift isn't a real person." She's not but I don't remember what I meant to say about that. So I shall share with you some diddly doos.


I've conjured up an idea about a pink rockabilly type alien scientist who falls in love with an octopus lady creature. He has a voice like Bobby Darin and wears a handsome light blue cardigan. His ascot is reminiscent of his lovely. I think his name should be Cass.


And it's like, yeah I realize why there aren't too many tentacle type characters out there. They are just generally hard to jot down, you know? I think this one's name should be Ursa. She comes from a race of hyper intelligent cephalopodians but she's kinda too pretty if you catch my meaning. I think she'd be a sculptor.

I imagine Cass at an underwater corridor to their apartment. He rings the buzzer and out pops several tentacles that pull him in. Ursa frantically pleas for him to put out a grease fire she started. She doesn't now how to use a stove all that much you see. As cool as a space cucumber, Cass inquires for any sodium chloride she may have.

"I don't use salt, just black pepper and oregano." Cass rummages through the cabinets.

"are you looking for the salt?"

Cass smirks "no, I'm looking for a place to hide."

Ursa points with her tentacle the cupboard in which the salt would be. Cass then pours salt over the fried kelp which has since been charred. "I think it's a bit too well done." Ursa says. This bitch said "too well done."

There is a lot of lore behind Cass's character so bare with me. He is from a planet of innocent pink people who's culture and language derive from a golden record that was found eons ago. Skip to recent times, his planet is on a course to collide with a liquid giant. The peoples of both worlds come together to come up with a solution. Cass came up with the idea to synthesize a machine that would stabilize the gravity between the two planet. This would turn his planet into a moon but the crisis would be averted. And so, he would go off to live at the gravitational space station between his pink planet and the big ocean planet and nothing bad would ever happen ever again. The end. I'm kidding. He gets old and wants to retire with his tubby wubby octo wife. He tries to get his young ward Talya to take the helm basically. This is her:


Ain't she cute? Problem is, she's an anthropologist and would rather work on projects learning about the pink people. She'll eventually come around I'm sure. Maybe when she visits Cassie and Ursie's apartment for Christmas she'll think, "oh I get it, Cass wants me in charge so he can live with his wife." It's real hard, you see, Cass and Ursa? Not only does Cass live far from Ursa but also his way of life isn't all that comparable to hers. They have to live in a loft under water apartment where Ursa's section is under water and the top half works as an air pocket for Cass. So, like he buys the rights to an island where he plans to build like the ultimate house where they could both live.

Well, anyways, that's what I was thinking about this week.





Posted by TheAtomicSlug - February 13th, 2024

In Regards to my Last Post:

A lot of you asked me to elaborate on what I meant, so I shall.


I start with like a big spot with about 25% opacity.


Then, I use my mind’s eye to separate the subject and the negative space with an eraser tool.


At this point I jot down the details I’d like to put in.


and I use a magic wand just to get that stuff outta the way. It helps me.


and one two three it’s a circle thingie. I don’t recommend this method to anyone. Unless you have a gripe against construction which is understandable.


Posted by TheAtomicSlug - October 22nd, 2023

I’ve been uploading some doodles and stuff on instant grams. Check it out if you feel like it X


Posted by TheAtomicSlug - January 10th, 2023

I don't draw finished stuff too often because I've decided to dedicate most of my time towards someone important to me but if you decide to stick around, thanks! I'll make it up to you. You'll see.iu_863672_7111680.png

Here is something I made and I thought it was super cute.


Posted by TheAtomicSlug - July 19th, 2021

I dreamt that they made a new Donkey Kong game and I didn’t like it because it was low poly and ugly. Maybe it was popular because his main attack was the air side tilt from smash. Donkey Kong was in a late night talk show and the host asked “you are a funnie monki, right?” And Donkey Kong said “uh no, i disagree.” And everyone in the audience gasped. I woke up with the sounds of Jungle Groove looping in my head.
